
A no-code introduction to Reinforcement Learning
A no-code introduction to Reinforcement Learning

In my previous blog post on reinforcement learning I demonstrated a way to get a gentle introduction into this field by using Keras-RL2. While writing that I found it quite difficult to get an overview of the many reinforcement learning frameworks available today which all have different levels of maturity.

Jun 7, 2022

Quickly getting started with Deep Reinforcement learning on Atari games
Quickly getting started with Deep Reinforcement learning on Atari games

The last few weeks I have been experimenting with deep neural networks for Reinforcement Learning. Reinforcement Learning is a way to learn to apply a sequence of events and has its root in control problems. Recent years it has been combined with deep neural networks to train a neural network on the game state and determine the next best action to take in video games. This post describes a way to quickly get started yourself with applying reinforcement learning to have an AI play simple Atari games.

Mar 9, 2022

Simple Multicore programming in Python

I recently had written a Python program to perform some performance calculations over the results from a regression model. The program was not too complex but the sheer number of calculations to be performed made it quite slow and resulted in a runtime of several hours. In my search for a way to utilize the multiple cores of the machine the program was running on I came across the Ray package from which makes it very easy to distribute a single-core process onto multiple cores.

Dec 26, 2021